Where is the Hadrian Wall?

Fig. 1 - Hadrian's Wall Country has been declared by UNESCO as a world heritage site

Hadrian's Wall Country has been declared by UNESCO as a world heritage site.  This Wall starts in the north of England in the Cumbrian Roman coastal defenses in the west coast of Britain and stretches across England countryside towards Newcastle upon Tyne. It is a vivid symbol of Roman rule in the island of Great Britain.

Fig.2 - Hadrian' Wall Country it is a vivid symbol of Roman rule in the island of Great Britain

Running for more than 100km, the Wall is estimated to have been between three and four and half metres tall. Amongst its ranks the Roman army had highly skilled architects, mason builders and carpenters, whose talents are expressed in the magnificence of the Wall and the forts that were built along the Wall.

Fig. 3 - The Wall is estimeted to have been between three ande four half metres tall.

Seeing as Hadrian's rule is described by historians as a period of consolidation and not a period of expansion of the Roman Empire, the main function of the Wall, rather than having a military function, was intended to patrol movement, this explains the numerous gateways that border the Wall.

“The Wall was not designed to prevent movement, but rather to control it, as can be seen in the numerous gateways or milecastles which, as their names suggests, were placed at regular mile intervals along the length of the Wall.”

Fig. 4 - The main function of the Wall was intended to patrol movement, this explains the numerous gateways that border the Wal

Hadrian's Wall was made of locally-available materials. “Running for forty-five miles from the east, the Wall was built of stone. The stone Wall had two outer faces of dressed stone, containing a centre of rubble. The remaining thirty-one miles of the Wall in the west was built of turf. The turf Wall, constructed from turf blocks, was built either from the prepared ground or upon a bed of cobbles.”

Fig. 5 - Walking the Hadrian Wall is now a popular outdoor activity

Walking the Hadrian Wall is now a popular outdoor activity that allows twenty-first century citizens to embrace memories and go back in time. 

A true inspiring experience…
Ilda Camarneira

Referências bibliográficas: 
BBC News. (s/d) Hadrian Wall. Disponível em http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/the_gunpowder_plot

Hadrian’s Wall. (s/d). Disponível em http://www.visithadriansWall.co.uk/


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